Monday, 29 June 2015

Our Beloved & Sporting Lecturer

Last day Research method class.  Thanks a lot lot lot lot to Dr. Aziah for teaching Research method. Actually i was very impressed and adore about  Dr. Aziah because she has a lot of information about IT, she was very informative on IT field. I gain a lots of new knowledge every time come to this class. about Blendspace and so on. She was very helpful and supportive lecturer. Thanks Dr. for guide us in making Research Proposal. 

Good Luck classmate in making good research proposal .. (wink2) ;)

Motivational Quotes

Yeahh.. Don't ever Dream Research Proposal complete by wishing and dreamingg. C(=

Alarm O'clock

Thanks to my pretty 'Alam O'Clock' Ezza & Huda, for remind me all the important thing in Research Proposal.. hehehe

Qualitative Analysis Data

Rsearch Proposal

yeayyyy..Finally research proposal doneee!!

Summarize note on Population & Sampling

Validity &Reliability

APA style reference

Writing Research Proposal

Transcript Qualitative



Qualitative Data

Measurement Statistic

sampel size table

Population and Sampling

RD survey Design

RD experimental

RD ethno

RD correlational

RD causal comparative

RD case study

Reseach Design summarize

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

i dont whether it right mindup for my research proposal.. but i just try it first..

Wednesday, 15 April 2015


Chapter 1

Yeayy..this this my chapter one for this research methodology.. but still there underconstruction.. heheee

Variable and Design (PP) - week 4

Qualitative vs Quantitative

Class Size and Students Achievement

Class Size and Students Achievement

Problem Definition (PP)

the most important part is problem tree.. ;)

Setting limit on your research

Research Question (PP) - week 3

Introduction (PP) - week 2

Introduction (PP) - week 1